Selasa, 26 April 2011

How to Make Teaching More Fun

A good teacher inspires, encourages students to learn, makes lessons fun and commands respect by their own example. They are able to set and keep to behaviour rules when in the classroom, they encourage a respect for each other in the students and above all, they encourage students to follow their passion for a subject.
There is nothing quite so satisfying when, after a hard day's work when students and you have worked really hard, students come to you and thank you at the end of a lesson. For a teacher, this is the best feed back you can have, to know that you have encouraged your students, that they have enjoyed learning even though they have perhaps found it difficult, but go away feeling very positive, confident and keen to come to the next class.
Being a good teacher takes skills and time. Even a highly knowledgeable teacher is not necessarily a good one. You need to firstly understand what your students need from you.

Do they need instruction in the basics of a subject or do they need direction and encouragement in their own studies? A good teacher will give them ideas which they can use to further their knowledge, they will also teach students the value of a subject and that most subjects are not just valuable while you are learning a syllabus but can be applied outside the confines of school or college and will be important in other aspects of their lives.

A good teacher is approachable yet remains professional, someone the students will automatically turn to for advice and guidance but who will not do the work for them or make it too easy. Part of the fun of learnng is getting the answers yourself and a good teacher will direct and advise students without maiking the task oflearning too easy - then, it becomes dull and students do not get such a positive feed back.
To be a good teacher, you need to be organised, have a passion for your subject, care about your students and how they learn and understand each one's needs and you need to love your subject and the job you do.
As a teacher, you know when you have got something right when that moment comes and you take a moment to sit back and watch your class of students working. There will be a pleasant, low hum as they discuss the subject, carry out exercises together and increase their learning skills in a subject. There will be lots of smiles, the odd curiousity facial expression as they work something out and every so often a hand will pop up to ask for guidance.
Sammy Stein.
 Posted : Imam Shodiqin

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