A good teacher in relaying material :
Relaying material or explaining material is main job of a teacher, because of that the teacher must be able to know how to teach well and understandable. Many teachers keep explaining material although his / her students do not understand. Indonesian proverb “slow but sure” can be a reference to teach well. Well, just like make a well the teacher need to be patient in teaching students. We know that not all the students are smart and easy to understand the material. We need to distinguish them too. Why ? as long as we need the best result of our teaching we heve to think about this. A good teacher in term of pedagogue, will feel so guilty if his or her students fail to get good scores, in contrary, the bad teacher will be ignorant if the students get failure. When failure occurs on understanding the material, the students will look so whirl. Here the teacher’s roles are expected. We need to repeat the materilal till they (students) understand. Although this is a hard work, we still need to perform it. Keep the teacher’s distance with the students is also needed to keep the relationship that will influence the result. The keys of succesful in teaching are :· Keep dignity in front of the class, so the students will respect and pay their attention to the explanation.
· Keep relationship with the students, so that students will consider teacher as their partner in learning.
· Patience, this is needed when the teacher’s teaching fail to make students understand the material.
· Explaination with comprehension, so that the students who attend the class will feel that everything goes right and nothing is difficult.
Posted by : Firmansyah
I totally agree with you that teachers are must hold a qualified professional degrees which can be able to teach students, because teaching is very difficult and every teacher have to know how to teach and manage your class.
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