A good teacher inspires, encourages students to learn, makes lessons fun and commands respect by their own example. They are able to set and keep to behaviour rules when in the classroom, they encourage a respect for each other in the students and above all, they encourage students to follow their passion for a subject.
There is nothing quite so satisfying when, after a hard day's work when students and you have worked really hard, students come to you and thank you at the end of a lesson. For a teacher, this is the best feed back you can have, to know that you have encouraged your students, that they have enjoyed learning even though they have perhaps found it difficult, but go away feeling very positive, confident and keen to come to the next class.
Being a good teacher takes skills and time. Even a highly knowledgeable teacher is not necessarily a good one. You need to firstly understand what your students need from you.
Do they need instruction in the basics of a subject or do they need direction and encouragement in their own studies? A good teacher will give them ideas which they can use to further their knowledge, they will also teach students the value of a subject and that most subjects are not just valuable while you are learning a syllabus but can be applied outside the confines of school or college and will be important in other aspects of their lives.
Selasa, 26 April 2011
Senin, 25 April 2011
A good teacher in relaying material :

Good Teacher
Teaching is an art and not everyone is artistic. Certainly, there are individuals who have completed their teaching degree program, passed all their tests, read all the articles and written neatly worded essays, but none of that necessarily makes them a good teacher.
What does a good teacher do when facing noising students ?
A good teacher always watches and knows what he or she needs to do. In the class daily activities. We as the teachers often face the problem in teaching. One of the big problems is noising students. As teacher and model in the class, the teacher is expected to be sensitive to all situation in the class. A good teacher should be able to control students that labell;ed as the trouble makers. There are some factors that can generate this problem :
Rabu, 20 April 2011
Stake Out of Learning Strategies

Process of knowledge transference in learning will success if many time to condition of students activity, not in condition of teacher teaching. The success of learning also faster to materialized if process of transfer do with gratify atmosphere. In summary paradigm of teaching learning that must believe by every teacher is when teacher teach, not sure students follow to learn, maybe the student will sleepy.
Multiple Intelligences Research and Learning Style of Students

Quantum learning
Teaching style of teacher = learning style of students
Multiple Intelligences

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner professor of education at Harvard University it suggest that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on IQ testing is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. The intelligences are:
Jumat, 15 April 2011
sees the students needs
The teacher must be able to see students needs
as the teacher and as the model in the classroom, a good teacher must be able to adapt themselves and place themselves to the right situation. when we look at the intellegency aspect, the teacher must be able to distinguish between the skilled-pupil and non-skilled pupil. here, the teacher must be able to see the students' needs instead of guess and explains over and over.when we look at the economic ability of the students, we will recognize the poor students and the rich students that can influence their achievement in term of rank in the class. Also, when we look at the students style learning, we should be able to perform the better style according to their learning style.
The Teacher Should Have In Teaching
Beside appearance and other thing, patient is needed for a teacher. Teacher must be patient to face their many characteristic students. Because sometimes students always make the teacher get angry with their naughtiness and the teacher end up to lay a hand to them. There are many kind of thing happen to the teacher who lost their patientness.
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