Discovering Ability
Discovering Ability is teacher activity for roam the ability of students when the test of the students is under standard completeness. Discovering Ability also can be mean to ask students to answer the same question with other ways. If this Discovering Ability is not success, teacher can do remedial test to their students who have score under standard without through Discovering Ability phase.
Ali was a first student class in Elementary School. He got Indonesian question paper from his teacher. The question was “make a writing about garden in the back of you house”. The teacher prepared rubric score. If student write more then three sentence, the score was 10. If students just write two sentences, the score was 8 and if the students just write one sentence, the score was 7. However, if the students just write one or two words, the score was 5. The score of standard completeness was 8. In fact, Ali just answered with one word, which was “FERTILE” with the capital letter. Be knowledgeable, he did not like to write. Ali’s answer was not direct entering in final scoring by the teacher and he must do remedial test, but his teacher did Discovering Ability to him. Then, teacher asked to Ali, “Ali, can you try to tell me about your garden?” then Ali was very fluent to tell, he told many things what happened in his garden. Finally, the teacher decided to give him 10 in scoring this question. Not score 5 for answered with one word “FERTILE”.
Scoring Based on Process
Teacher often to use cognitive test as an indicator for establish students comprehension in all subject. This cognitive is known with the day examination and usually happen in the last meeting in last chapter. In authentic scoring, teacher have chance to scoring students activity every meeting. Students activity in doing day examination include one of learning activity in cognitive. When in basic competence in a syllabus, one subject is approximated finish in three meeting. in first and second meeting teacher can take score. The final score is the average from all meeting with the category cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The score that emphasize at process is also be in effect to content cognitive question which has need explanation and analysis. Teacher does not direct scoring the final result from that question. One of scoring rubric also must have point about how the pole and gully of the student thinking in solve that question.
Posted By: Zulfa Nabila
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