The Things Should Be Understand To Be A Good Teacher
So you want to be a good teacher? Well the first thing you have to do is understand what a good teacher really is, what makes them good?
The great thing here is that there has been millions of amazing teachers throughout history that you can study; you don’t have to recreate the wheel, just use it. The same applies, you don’t have to come up with some incredible new technique, just look to what makes a great teacher and use that with your own style and flare.
So what makes someone a great teacher? Well one of the first things you may notice is the passion they have for whatever it is they are giving.
It is extremely difficult to ignore someone or feel uninterested in someone when they are genuinely excited and passionate about the subject they are discussing.
You got into teaching for a reason; you specifically went into that subject for a reason. If you want to show the passion in that subject to your students; first find the passion in it yourself. Reignite the excitement you feel over your subject so that it becomes genuine again and your students will find it difficult not to get caught up in the infectious nature.
The next step is respect; understand that people will not listen to you if they don’t respect you. If you’re openly passionate about your subject, your students will develop respect for you. However you have to keep going with that. Live the life you want them to reach, be the person they want to become. Whenever you are in front of your students it’s time to switch on, just because you’re a maths teacher, doesn’t mean you can’t spend time talking to your students about other issues. Listening, understanding, being compassionate, these are all traits that will develop a connection with your students and these are all traits that will develop respect for you as well.
If your students look at you and see not only someone passionate about the subject but someone they can relate to and respect outside of the teacher/student role, they will have more respect for you in that role and be more likely to listen.
The last point is to understand and listen. Remember you can learn something new from anyone in life, show the students respect in who they are. Listen to their thoughts; pay genuine interest in what they have to say and allow them to open up. Not only might you learn something but it can also give chances to engage the entire class in discussion, it will also give confidence in the student that they can open up the channels of thought themselves which in turn will help them progress and encourage them to work harder.
Be genuine in what you say, let your own passions come through, show respect to your students and gain respect by being the best you can be. These are the real lessons that you can learn to better yourself as a teacher. You already know what to say, how to teach, now you have to live the life of the great teacher and show them what they can do as well.
Peter Robertson.
Posted by Imam Shodiqin
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